Thursday, April 14, 2011

Final 8 Results

If we've learned one important lesson this week, it's that fools should not mess with Kelly Clarkson (vocally or otherwise). I don't know that anyone will ever live up to the original Idol--I could gush and gush about her crazy vocal range or genuinely fun stage vibe for days, but I shant (nor shall I even begin to ponder Rihanna's bozo-the-clown weave).

I shall, however, give a shoutout to Haley motherf***ing Reinhart, bringing down the jazzy house. Girl. Power.

In other news, I don't think anyone was particularly stunned by Paul's ouster-- I certainly predicted it (bringing my current prediction rate to 4/7, with all my predictors at least ending up in the Bottom 3). And now that the bragging is done, here's an updated ranking list:

Top 7 Most-Likely-To-Win Rankings
1.) Scotty McCreery
2.) Lauren Alaina
3.) James Durbin
4.) Casey Abrams (Bottom 3: Final 11)
5.) Jacob Lusk (Bottom 3: Final 9)
6.) Haley Reinhart (Bottom 3: Final 13, 12, 8)
7.) Stefano Langone (Bottom 3: Final 11, 9, 8)
8.) Paul McDonald (Bottom 3: Final 11.2, 8)
9.) Pia Toscano (Bottom 3: Final 9)
10.) Naima Adedapo (Bottom 3: Final 12, 11.2)
11.) Thia Megia (Bottom 3: Final 11, 11.2)
12.) Karen Rodriguez (Bottom 3: Final 13, 12)
13.) Ashton Jones (Bottom 3: Final 13)

This pretty clearly demonstrate that Scotty, Lauren or James will win American Idol Season 10 (though my money's on Scotty). From here on out, Bottom 3 placement isn't really as accurate an indicator of winning potential-- though once again, I'm willing to bet that Lauren/Scotty won't ever grace the B3 (especially since Ryan stops revealing it around the Top 5). Chances are they're polling sky-high relative to their competitors, methinks.

That's all I got folks, so until next week...


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